Word for Today (22.4.2024):

Fleeing Persecution 142: Treasure of the Lord—Can He Show It to Us?

Matthew 6:21: for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

As soon as I read this verse, all I remembered was the dream that I often have, at least twice or three times in my life so far. Probably that is the dream that I have during my tough times. This is about one of my granduncles, who lived in the mansion with his sister till his death. He had the need to take care of the house and I was a 9-year-old kid when we used to visit him. That was the time when he tried getting money from the Archaeological Survey of India for refurbishing to protect the building but was not successful. He used to take me around the house, asking me to grow up studying well that I will be able to work on maintaining the building. Well, it was not only him, so my grandfather wanted me to do the same, which is why I own the works of Reverend Thirithuvadasan. Even when I had to join college, I was expected to do civil engineering, but for the advice of a friendly civil engineer who did not want me to take up the course, that led to the discussion of me having to do architecture, which is what I would have done if I had not been pulled down in my math course in a more than normal way, just like what happened with my immunology score, giving a low score that is impossible to be the one. And, it so happened that I realised only in 2017, when I had this dream again, that it was during tough times that I had this dream. I did ask my cousin, who’s the owner of the property, if I could take his help, but he was not in a position to help me like how my granduncle can come down to me because he is not him. I never thought that I could ask for this help from him. Maybe that is why I had the same dream of my granduncle showing me some hidden treasure in those rumbles and wanting to get inside his home, taking me along with him again, and it was the same dream. I got to know about Pilgrim’s Progress and Reverend Newbiggins from this home only through some conversations that I heard my granduncle have with me around. His favourite book was the book of Madras that he used to carry around with us every now and then, showing me how different the places are now and expecting a fascinating expression in our faces. As he will not know what we used to know about Chennai, he used to bump into us once or twice, fascinating us, for example, seeing horse chariots in the city for commuting and so working Buckhingham River. He is a wise and helpful person in the family. I always used to ask my mother why I used to have this dream about him and what he was trying to tell me because I believe in salvation. I know that he is in heaven with Jesus, and it is just that the Lord is showing the hope he had for me and my life to strengthen that I do not stagnate but move forward and persevere to overcome all the evil that has risen against me. I knew that he wanted me to learn to play the piano because I had the fingers, not to make me a maestro, as we are obsessed with that. The Lord sends him down during his trying times because he has shared “love,” the greatest treasure that the Lord has shared with us through Jesus and his crucifixion, which he asks us to share with others just like he has shared with us. This is the reason why he comes down to strengthen us through his light and hope. The Lord does not want me to die in the hands of the wicked, and there is this promise of deliverance from evil and all its wickedness. The Lord has shown that he remembers me through him telling me that he knows where my heart is, though people may speak of our need and try to work towards the materials needed for living in this world like hypocrites.

I liked this quote: “Law is for those who do not obey.” But here I am talking about the law not working for those who do not obey, while those who obey are being questioned for obeying, and they are getting paid for asking. Today, again, I forgot to ask for a sponsor for the podcast. Maybe I am too hurt and weak to remember even asking what I am most in need of. This is what the Bible says: that the Holy Spirit will ask God when we are not sure what we have to ask God because of uncertain times. But any kind of support and sponsorship to help me leave India is welcome so that I can stay away from this Christian persecution that they are doing, but never acknowledging or taking action to stop it, and not allowing me to have a decent life with even basic human dignity, but being treated like a guinea pig.

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