Word for Today (21.4.2024):

Fleeing Persecution 141: Focus on the Lord praying rather than on those walking with the devil

Ezekiel 18:32: For I have no pleasure in the death of him that diet, saith the Lord GOD: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye.

1 Thessalonians 5:18: In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Many think that I am imagining that these patronised women are entitling themselves or wanting to be treated like goddesses. Well, this idea would not have gotten into my head only from movies, for I hardly remember anything on the screen at all unless there was some correlation with my life happening. And that is how it started because I am aware that Srinivasan and Meenakshi locally here are part of the serial cyberstalking group, as they always share information about my personal email content. I still remember doing so in 2010 by talking about my Australian labmate and recently, when I got a job interview, meenakshi even showcased, using the local minibus driver and conductor, her Goddess possession and reverence for their prejudice because of the prevalence of brahmin caste as a hindu in this region. They timed me coming out of my home by eavesdropping my it and had the bus in which she was coming to ply slowly with one or more hired men, who were part of the stalking group for drugs, as well shouting and asking me to call her “Mahalaxmi,” taking her blessings for I will prosper. Maybe just because I did not bow down in the reverence that they sent that driver to Chairman of Velammal Groups. Well, this is what I remembered when I was woken up yesterday at midnight over their drama of having to “sacrifice” my maternal uncle and son of the late MVC chakra holder, who is also a veteran with no respect but torturing, including them for a chef’s daughter, “Amelio,” who worked for a dying veteran Brigadier. Everything could have been settled if they had been doing wrong by talking directly with me, as if I had not been forgiving even in 2013, when they caught the cyberstalker red-handed who was part of the sabotaging gang of my Ph.D. What is more important for me than getting rid of them from my life or trying to move away from them? Is our system so poor, or as such, around the globe so bad, that all are only wicked that the only way is to slaughter these psychopaths that we cannot live securely away from them and prosper? Will not my granduncle desire for his own family like this late Brigadier that they canvass about him outwardly on their ADGPI Facebook page every year, but the “amelio,” who travelled as a pillion rider with these soldiers in Madurai, is sabotaging and is still harassing us, as if they did not stop the bike spotting her harassing me. Why should I know her when they are refusing to tell me who they are or their neighbours when I ask about them? All these thoughts lured into my mind as I got up today, and even more, but then I was aware that I am not wrong about these women, including this “amelio,” thinking themselves to be “goddess-like,” for that is their cultural religious social complex when they are treated like goddesses, which is to be kept within their home, neighbours, friends, and religion community. I do not think even Christians or Muslims or Sikhs or Jains in their neighbourhood will agree to accept “amelio” or Brinda or Jyoti or Meenakshi as goddess, as to how they confronted me from the distance, asking me to do the reverence. Are they doing poojas for them at the temple? Well, that is why it is the cultural, social, and religious complex in them and not the practice of making them the goddess of the temples. Maybe such direct practices do not exist and are deeper intricacies of their religion that only they will know. But I know one thing for sure: with the celestial wedding of Meenakshi of Madurai happening today, they told me in their temple that such practices do not exist in their temples and that there must be something happening with those of the nearby rural temples that the police are obligated to take action on because I asked about the drugs that they were speaking of in the name of Hinduism, brahmin caste, or what Brinda called sastram. They even told me that they do not allow women with periods inside their temple only because of the Goddess Kali statue; if not, Meenakshi, being Goddess fertility, will not mind and will not affect such women in their weaker times. Well, that is the culture, which is why maybe Devyani, an Indian diplomat, got herself dressed up as Princess Apsara as part of her job in Cambodia, which went less viral than her arrest and the problems in the US. She could have worn the attire of ordinary people and not the goddess-like Princess Apsara as part of her envoy requirement to learn to do their Sampeah greeting. Well, that is all that is expected of them at the extra mile to show that they recognise themselves as one with them. But it is part of their religion and social cultural complex that they are able to accept themselves to be patronised as goddesses and the reverence that comes along with it. And I find some of these patronised women these days are encouraged to behave by developing a superiority complex that they can “moral police” people like us. Well, as far as I know, in all religions, with godliness comes humility, and there will be holiness and saintliness in their minds if there is truth. But it is only in the ritualistic and materialistic minds that there will be superiority and god-complex in them.

I liked this quote: “Law is for those who do not obey.” But here I am talking about the law not working for those who do not obey, while those who obey are being questioned for obeying, and they are getting paid for asking. Today, again, I forgot to ask for a sponsor for the podcast. Maybe I am too hurt and weak to remember even asking what I am most in need of. This is what the Bible says: that the Holy Spirit will ask God when we are not sure what we have to ask God because of uncertain times. But any kind of support and sponsorship to help me leave India is welcome so that I can stay away from this Christian persecution that they are doing, but never acknowledging or taking action to stop it, and not allowing me to have a decent life with even basic human dignity, but being treated like a guinea pig.

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