Word for Today (25.5.2024):

Fleeing Persecution 165: When are we Holy?

Isaiah 43:2: When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

1 Corinthians 3:16–17: Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

I think it is ethnic behaviour to make others ponder something and find pleasure, which in fact is a schadenfreude habit. Well, I am not going to ponder about whom they are calling out as “boy, boy, boy!” just like how Jyoti used to torture me by talking of her wedding and sharing of her outings with no relevance, causing me to ponder or Jasmine used to talk of two different topics that she gossips about, such as me linking because of her two different gossips, her speaking bad about sexual morality of Professors in The American College because of someone responsible for a mishap in her life that has delayed her wedding happening, or making me to ponder as to why she is imagining because of not replying back as to why she is wanting me to say that the mobile I purchased on my birthday is a “gift.”. Well, that was my first smartphone in 2013, when I decided that I would finally accept switching to a smartphone because basic phones were out of the market with the complete advancement in technology, which means that phone should have lasted for many years with me. But it lasted only for 3 months, as they robbed it in January 2014. I purchased it in October 2013. So, wicked people can be. And they blame me for not responding back when they are talking about all this, which absolutely traumatised me even without them doing their other harassment. And this is why I go back and look at my Facebook posts, which I have been using as an anxiety-bursting strategy for recording some events, as I was told that it is always good to keep people in your circle informed about stalkers and how they are harassing you. And, till now, my Facebook posts have started sharing the Bible verses that I read, a small technique that one of my friends taught me, which she learned from her sister. The technique is this: when you are in deep trouble and want God to provide an answer, think of the problem and your prayer to God asking for an answer, open the Bible asking God for an answer, and find if there is a verse that has solace for you. Well, even if it will not work all the time, when you keep doing it as an exercise and as a fun activity with The Bible, you will surely find the worry about your problem dwindle, and there will always be an answer in one or another manner, even if not immediate, for God prepares us for the better plans he has for us, and so every word shared is bread to our lives. And this is how the Lord is with us, through his Word—that we will not drown or be burned in all the problems that we face in our lives. There is no end to our lives for the problems if we trust and have hope in the promises of God in his victory on the cross. He will move our lives forward. And how he moves us forward is by making us “holy.”. We all turn “holy,” which is the preparation that Jesus wants us to work about by following him, so that on the day of judgement we will be prepared “enough” to be presentable to the Lord, that he will be pleased about our righteous path and living and accept us into his kingdom. By doing so, we are making ourselves presentable for the Lord by walking through the righteous path, that is, the holy path. We make our lives on earth as good as they will be in heaven. This is the reason why the Lord is not allowing everyone into heaven so that there will be no problems of clashing with the devil in us and disturbing our lives as it is happening on earth. So, this is how, that is, by following Jesus, which is walking our lives with the Word, we make ourselves holy, and this holiness shines out the light of the Lord inward to the outside, so that the darkness of the world around us will be comprehended without its knowledge and that our life on earth will be made as it will be in heaven when we will be presentable and accepted by the Lord.

I liked this quote: “Law is for those who do not obey.”. But here I am talking about the law not working for those who do not obey, while those who obey are being questioned for obeying, and they are getting paid for asking. Today, again, I forgot to ask for a sponsor for the podcast. Maybe I am too hurt and weak to remember even asking what I am most in need of. This is what the Bible says: that the Holy Spirit will ask God when we are not sure what we have to ask God because of uncertain times. But any kind of support and sponsorship to help me leave India is welcome so that I can stay away from this Christian persecution that they are doing, but never acknowledging or taking action to stop it, and not allowing me to have a decent life with even basic human dignity, but being treated like a guinea pig.

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