Word for Today (24.5.2024):

Fleeing Persecution 164: How do we know God within us?

Psalm 42:11: Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God; For I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.

1 John 4:12, 15: No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.

Inbarasan is far away from the place of cyberstalking when I read this verse saying that she will write today that there is another answer to what I am asking. Well, I am not bothered about answering him, as such, but it is the general answer to anyone asking me and talking about my faith, including Jyoti’s mother, so-called Abraham, and Julieana, whom I hear saying so. I have never cared for anyone picking at my faith because my mother always tells me to ignore them, as God validates our faith but not them. This started for me when I was only 6 or 7 years old, getting ready for Christmas. I had one teacher who started, and I remember well talking to me about Christmas, showing the Bible, and asking me to show the date and shut up. I was very disappointed that I should have whined to my mother at her telling when I remember her asking me to ignore such people who are condemning of others faith and belief. And she did tell me a little about her belonging to some other denomination, just like Catholics, and not accepting observing Christmas, the day of observance to remember the birth of Christ. These are the people who ruin all the traditions of Santa and all the fun children can have in his name; rather, they could do that effectively by spoiling all the consumerism that creeps into the Christmas celebrations. Leaving aside, she did not stay long, and I do not remember her talking to me after that, probably because my mother used to confront and ask so many teachers at the campus on par with wives of my father’s seniors at manager cadre. In fact, I remember the woman in the factory quarters wanting to nominate my mother to represent the women committee members. But my mother did not agree, and it was the General Manager’s wife who took the position, and I remember her always trying to ask my mother to come in front. You ask her now, and she will deny it because of all the harassment that these people have done to her. My mother, however, has brought me up in this generation that I will not sit inside my home but will ask and reach out, asking to stand against the harassment that they are doing to us. My mother had shared love and gained people through the true love and human charity that she shared with others. And those people, though they may not be Christians in their entirety, were able to accept and reciprocate the love of God, which is more important, for that is how the love of God dwells among us. This is how the love of God dwelled when the Lord sent the people of Israel to depend on and live along with the people of Babylonia under the rule of Nebuchadnezar. And all those women wanted her because she treats them well and they could reach out to her easily; there was love in the form of friendship with her. And the love they had for each other was not hurting or causing harm to others or themselves. This is the love that the Lord shares with us. The love of God does not do harm. Even though Jesus may sound altruistic to die on the cross for us, it was not a voluntary death; he was crucified as punishment by those who oppose the way of God. He never asked people to hang him on the cross, and that was the governance system then. We are not Jesus, or God is not doing a ritual of human sacrifice to renew the New Covenant established through the crucifixion of Jesus, his only begotten son, or we are daughters and sons of God like Jesus. We are all ordinary humans, and when we partake in the suffering of Christ, we are still not denied the privilege from the Lord for deliverance from these sufferings of persecution and to be away from evil. All the disciples of Jesus did flee persecution and were not altruistically saying that they were strengthening the New Covenant by sacrificing themselves. The crucifixion of Jesus is not a human sacrifice on the cross that the Lord took as ransom for remission of sins. Christians are expected and are being told to suffer persecution, bear the pain, and not ask for their rights, for the Lord died on the cross, and we are destined to die on the cross in that manner. We have the obligation to allow the glory of the Lord to be established on earth, for that is the authority that we have received by sharing the love that the Lord has for us, and through the death of his son, Jesus, he established a New Covenant. Yes, it is possible for God to do a miracle and could have saved Jesus, just like the devil asked how the Lord can send his angels when we fall from a high tower to save us if he wants to, but he did not because he is not going to do that all the time, for he wanted us to know through Jesus that we have to share the love, just like how the Lord shared his beloved son Jesus to show that he loves us.

I liked this quote: “Law is for those who do not obey.”. But here I am talking about the law not working for those who do not obey, while those who obey are being questioned for obeying, and they are getting paid for asking. Today, again, I forgot to ask for a sponsor for the podcast. Maybe I am too hurt and weak to remember even asking what I am most in need of. This is what the Bible says: that the Holy Spirit will ask God when we are not sure what we have to ask God because of uncertain times. But any kind of support and sponsorship to help me leave India is welcome so that I can stay away from this Christian persecution that they are doing, but never acknowledging or taking action to stop it, and not allowing me to have a decent life with even basic human dignity, but being treated like a guinea pig.

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